PEQ Mobile ©
The Prosthesis Evaluation Questionnaire (PEQ) was developed and psychometrically validated to provide functional outcome measures specific to prosthesis-related changes in quality of life. The PEQ is a self-report questionnaire organized into ten functional domain scales. Each of the scales may be used individually to measure only a specific domain of interest. Our team originally developed the PEQ to have an instrument that would be more sensitive to changes specific to prosthesis function. For example, a prosthesis that was quieter may have been very significant to the user, but this important effect would not likely be detected by any of the existing general quality of life outcomes measurement instruments such as the SF-36 Short Form Physical Function, Functional Independence Measure, Sickness Impact Profile, EQ-5D, ADL, IADL, FSQ, NHP, DUKE, or QWB.
The PEQ Mobile © app greatly simplifies the use of the PEQ in daily practice. The clinician may easily set up the PEQ to elicit feedback only in functional areas of interest such as mobility. Scoring and reporting of results is automated and instantaneous, with options for saving a PDF report of outcomes for inclusion in electronic health records where external documents are supported.
PEQ Mobile application © Orthocare Innovations, 2019
Original PEQ © Prosthetics Research Study, 1998

PEQ Mobile ©
Self-report questionnaire divided into domain specific scales that measure prosthesis-related changes in quality of life.